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You Can Never Out-Give the Universe

  • Elliott
  • May 15, 2013
  • 5

Sunday, when I unloaded my home and garden purchases, I noticed that I had taken home two more bags of mulch than I had purchased. I am not certain how the discrepancy occurred but it is the type of event that I always used as a teachable moment when I had children at home.

Yesterday evening I went by Lowe’s to purchase some more mulch and to square up my errant purchase. The clerk was a little surprised that I had reported my error and readily accepted my money for the two bags. She was impressed and extended last week’s prices so I could buy two more at the sale price.mulch

As I loaded my car, I felt really good. It was that kind of peaceful feeling you get when you do something “right” even though no one is watching. I thought to myself, I could have gotten away with this from the human perspective but I can never cheat the Universe. We always receive, in like kind, exactly what we give.

From Lowe’s I went directly to Sam’s Club, made a couple of purchases, and then crossed the parking lot to Taco Bell. Pulling up to the window at the fast food spot I was shocked to discover that I had lost my wallet. My first thought was to give thanks for the return of the wallet.

I drove back to Sam’s, walked in, and immediately learned that one of the door greeters had turned my wallet in to the service desk. Within minutes I had my wallet, fully intact, back in my possession and I felt overwhelmed with gratitude for the demonstration of the Universe’s benevolence. outstretched arms

We truly do receive, just as we give. Just as we can never cheat the Universe, we can never out-give Life.


  1. Elliott, you are such a jewel! This is so true! Some call it karma and some say, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” What goes around comes around, love is as love does…..If I give to the world what I would desire from the world it will come back to me 70 fold! I can be the headwaters of the prosperity and goodness in my own river of life! I am so glad to see you sharing secrets again! Love, Peggy

    Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

    1. You see me as a Jewel because I reflect your pure goodness and beauty. Regardless, I love and appreciate you and am most grateful for your presence in my life.

  2. Thanks for sharing your day with us, Elliott! Nice things and nice events are drawn to nice people :-)

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