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Hope: Friend or Foe?

I have always been a “glass is half full” type of person, but sometimes I wonder if a “glass is half empty” personality leads one to more peacefulness? I know people who make no effort to find blessings in all of life. I have always looked for the treasure in every experience, even if I had… Continue reading Hope: Friend or Foe?

Egoless, Seriously?

I saw a celebrity, recently, who told the interviewer, “I can honestly say that I have almost no ego left.” The interviewer just sort of nodded and added something like, “You have been on this path for a very long time.” I found myself just laughing. I like the person who was being interviewed and… Continue reading Egoless, Seriously?

Disappointment is Temporary

On Disappointment My daughter called me last night. She sounded so exhausted. She was experiencing, in her words, “The worst day of her life.” Not only had results from auditions yielded less than what she desired, she had broken a key, and taken personally, an instructor’s decisions. I felt so sad when I got off… Continue reading Disappointment is Temporary

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