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Is it Possible?

It astounds me that it has been over 16 months since I posted on this site. I have shared my thoughts in a few other places, but have neglected Secrets To Peace, entirely. If you are still here, I apologize to you for not sharing my thoughts for so long. My life has been more… Continue reading Is it Possible?

Thinking is Dangerous

It is not what happens to you, but what you think about what happens to you that creates your sorrow. You have heard these words, probably hundreds of times, if you have been on the spiritual path any time at all, but have you ever really integrated these words into your conscious awareness. Do you… Continue reading Thinking is Dangerous

Gangaji’s Perspective on Our Stories

  Today we are going to look at some of the teachings of Gangaji, primarily from her book Hidden Treasure – Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story. Hidden treasure: Uncovering the truth in your own life story. (2011). New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher. Gangaji takes a slightly different approach to our stories than Byron… Continue reading Gangaji’s Perspective on Our Stories

Egoless, Seriously?

I saw a celebrity, recently, who told the interviewer, “I can honestly say that I have almost no ego left.” The interviewer just sort of nodded and added something like, “You have been on this path for a very long time.” I found myself just laughing. I like the person who was being interviewed and… Continue reading Egoless, Seriously?

Love What You Think “Is”

Recently on Twitter I posted a quote from Byron Katie which said, “I am a lover of what is, not because I’m a spiritual person, but because it hurts when I argue with reality.” This post prompted one of my friends to question the nature of this reality, which Byron Katie was referring to.  I… Continue reading Love What You Think “Is”

Disappointment is Temporary

On Disappointment My daughter called me last night. She sounded so exhausted. She was experiencing, in her words, “The worst day of her life.” Not only had results from auditions yielded less than what she desired, she had broken a key, and taken personally, an instructor’s decisions. I felt so sad when I got off… Continue reading Disappointment is Temporary

“Shoulding” Out Loud

When I was first introduced to what is called “New Thought,” I was instructed to always be mindful of the words I spoke. Teachers, from all walks of life, (particularly new thought neophytes) were always around to remind me that use of the word “should” was not in alignment with walking this new path. Obviously… Continue reading “Shoulding” Out Loud

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