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Life Can be Effortless

On July 22nd I hastily posted a Secret entitled: Prayer for an Open Heart and Mind and I mentioned that I would like to share some quotes from authors who addressed this idea that “we are not our stories.” First off, I apologize to everyone for posting such a poorly written piece. I wrote it… Continue reading Life Can be Effortless

Get to KNOW Yourself, by all Means

Every time we have a shocking event, which unfortunately is far too often, the media inundates us with an unending flood of experts from all known fields of human behavior. Always the one overriding, compelling question that each inquiring mind seeks to answer is “Why?”  It seems there is some secret agreement that if we… Continue reading Get to KNOW Yourself, by all Means

Focus on the Magnificence in your Neighbor

My family and I have lived in our current home for almost sixteen years. We moved in on my birthday in 1999. When we moved here it was for the convenience. I was selling Real Estate,  at the time, and had an exclusive listing on a brand new subdivision which was ready to begin, a block… Continue reading Focus on the Magnificence in your Neighbor

Surrender Your Mind to God; Your Heart Already Has

A short time ago, I read this passage on the website referenced below: Allah says in the Quran: “And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose. Verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion” (Surah Al-Talaq, verses 3) Prophet Muhammad… Continue reading Surrender Your Mind to God; Your Heart Already Has

What Would You Do if You Were God?

Today my Secret will be short as I have a household project which needs my attention. Instead of today’s writing offering suggestions for living a life filled with peace, I am going to pose a question for your careful consideration. Listen to these words from a speech which Alan Watts gave, entitled “From Time to… Continue reading What Would You Do if You Were God?

Set a Positive Intention for Each New Day

Irish poet and philosopher John O’Donohue had a strong influence on me in the early days of my spiritual journey. When I read or listened to him read his words, I felt them move straight into my heart without bouncing around in my head or my ears. That was not a typical experience for me.  Every word I ever read from… Continue reading Set a Positive Intention for Each New Day

It Always Comes Down to Letting Go

Today, I have much to do in order to get ready for our upcoming annual Independence Day celebration, so I will share with you an example of one of my shorter writings. I keep a file of interesting quotes and thoughts that I have read for the purpose of exploring and expounding upon the concepts… Continue reading It Always Comes Down to Letting Go

Time to Clear the Blockage

It is August first and once again I am absolutely astounded at how long it has been since I shared my thoughts via this blog. I write nearly every day but I have not shared my ideas for such a long time. When we are called to do something, as I feel I am to… Continue reading Time to Clear the Blockage

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