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Love, The Greatest Mystery

As I was working, this week, gathering everything I needed for our taxes I found an old book hiding in an unexpected place. It was a forty-two year old little book by Helen Steiner Rice. I am not sure where it came from but I think I bought it as part of a collection of books from an… Continue reading Love, The Greatest Mystery

Enjoy the Holidays

This year’s version of the holidays are upon us, with Thanksgiving only two weeks away. This is a very busy time, for me, as many of my household projects must be completed before filling our home with family and guests. As such, it is highly unlikely I will have much time to devote to sharing… Continue reading Enjoy the Holidays

The Holidays are Near, Time to Heal Family Relationships

As we head into the holiday season (Thanksgiving is only 6 weeks away for us in the U.S.) we face one of the most challenging times of the year; that being time spent with our extended family. In many cultures this is not a big issue but in the U.S. we have mostly moved away… Continue reading The Holidays are Near, Time to Heal Family Relationships

Learning to Love as LOVE ITself

The single most important work we will ever do is to heal anything which keeps us from Loving as the Universe Loves. Life has shown me that we are absolutely Loved without any conditions, Loved beyond anything we can imagine we deserve. When we work to approach learning to Love that way, the process itself is… Continue reading Learning to Love as LOVE ITself

Love is the Only True Religion

Love is the one true religion, in my humble opinion. True because Love is the only path to true freedom. Consider these thoughts: Love forgives     even when I feel hurt     because forgiveness sets me free. Love communicates     since wisdom has taught me     that Healing is born in dialogue. Love forgets    … Continue reading Love is the Only True Religion

The Serendipitous Life is the Only Life for Me

One of the things I absolutely love about living this moment to moment experience of life are all the serendipitous things which happen in my life. Many are daily and sometimes they are even hourly. Friday, after I had created my blog post on remembering, I went back to work clearing out old emails from… Continue reading The Serendipitous Life is the Only Life for Me

Prayer for an Open Heart and Mind

  Today just nearly got away with me, before I remembered I had not posted to Secrets to Peace. I have been doing energy healing and spiritual counseling since 1997 when I took my first Reiki class. One of the things I think I do, really well, is to listen. I Listen without input on… Continue reading Prayer for an Open Heart and Mind

Forgive NOW and Let Go of Fear

  Every time I introduce myself, be it on a group for Facebook, on Twitter, or any of the other Social Sites, I always introduce myself as being a student of Love striving to become the greatest expression of Love of which I am capable. My experience has taught me that there are only two… Continue reading Forgive NOW and Let Go of Fear

Get to KNOW Yourself, by all Means

Every time we have a shocking event, which unfortunately is far too often, the media inundates us with an unending flood of experts from all known fields of human behavior. Always the one overriding, compelling question that each inquiring mind seeks to answer is “Why?”  It seems there is some secret agreement that if we… Continue reading Get to KNOW Yourself, by all Means

My God is LOVE

A little while back, I read a story about a blogger who had been sued for using a photograph which she had downloaded from Google images. It was the second such story I had read, in the last couple of months on the same topic. As any of you know, if you have read me… Continue reading My God is LOVE

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