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Forgive Everything Now

Several months ago, actually it was in the Christmas Day edition of the Kansas City Star newspaper, I read about a man named Darryl Burton who had spent 24 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. The headline read: “Former Inmate Defines Forgiveness.” I typically find such an article nearly irresistible and… Continue reading Forgive Everything Now

Enjoy the Holidays

This year’s version of the holidays are upon us, with Thanksgiving only two weeks away. This is a very busy time, for me, as many of my household projects must be completed before filling our home with family and guests. As such, it is highly unlikely I will have much time to devote to sharing… Continue reading Enjoy the Holidays

Forgivenss, The Greatest Secret to Peace

Forgiveness offers Transformation When we look at humanity it is easy to take notice of our differences. Different genders, different races, different values, different passions, different habits, I could go on all day listing differences. There are whole careers which are built on discovering and exploring people’s differences, even within small subsets of society. But… Continue reading Forgivenss, The Greatest Secret to Peace

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