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Is it Possible?

It astounds me that it has been over 16 months since I posted on this site. I have shared my thoughts in a few other places, but have neglected Secrets To Peace, entirely. If you are still here, I apologize to you for not sharing my thoughts for so long. My life has been more… Continue reading Is it Possible?

Enjoy the Holidays

This year’s version of the holidays are upon us, with Thanksgiving only two weeks away. This is a very busy time, for me, as many of my household projects must be completed before filling our home with family and guests. As such, it is highly unlikely I will have much time to devote to sharing… Continue reading Enjoy the Holidays

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

There is nothing I enjoy more than curling up with a good book. Add a little lightning, a rhythmic rainfall, and a couple of comfortable pillows and bliss is unavoidable. I love to read. It is something I did not discover until I was in the Army at age 23. Throughout all the years of… Continue reading Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Form is Temporary

Even though we know that our time (and that of our loved ones) is temporary, we are still never ready to experience the loss of someone we enjoy. Death, especially unexpected death, always gives us pause, forces us to reexamine the truth that even fifty years is no time at all. Any day, any time,… Continue reading Form is Temporary

Rekindling our Sense of Awe

How do we start each day, new? How do we move into and through this day with the innocence of a child, without allowing our story to influence every decision we make? What does it mean to look at life as if one was a child? Have you ever asked someone “What’s new in your… Continue reading Rekindling our Sense of Awe

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