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Love is the Only True Religion

Love is the one true religion, in my humble opinion. True because Love is the only path to true freedom. Consider these thoughts: Love forgives     even when I feel hurt     because forgiveness sets me free. Love communicates     since wisdom has taught me     that Healing is born in dialogue. Love forgets    … Continue reading Love is the Only True Religion

Forgive NOW and Let Go of Fear

  Every time I introduce myself, be it on a group for Facebook, on Twitter, or any of the other Social Sites, I always introduce myself as being a student of Love striving to become the greatest expression of Love of which I am capable. My experience has taught me that there are only two… Continue reading Forgive NOW and Let Go of Fear

Releasing Judgment

Have you ever heard of something dreadful happening to a friend or someone you know to be a kind or generous person and felt or maybe expressed some form of the question, “Why do bad things happen to such good people?”For the purposes of discussion I want you to consider the reverse, “Why do good… Continue reading Releasing Judgment

Rekindling our Sense of Awe

How do we start each day, new? How do we move into and through this day with the innocence of a child, without allowing our story to influence every decision we make? What does it mean to look at life as if one was a child? Have you ever asked someone “What’s new in your… Continue reading Rekindling our Sense of Awe

Love What You Think “Is”

Recently on Twitter I posted a quote from Byron Katie which said, “I am a lover of what is, not because I’m a spiritual person, but because it hurts when I argue with reality.” This post prompted one of my friends to question the nature of this reality, which Byron Katie was referring to.  I… Continue reading Love What You Think “Is”

Love of Beauty is Love of God

We all find it remarkably easy to love beauty when, through our conditioning, we identify something as beautiful. People who love cats, particularly kittens, will likely find the above picture to be beautiful. Those who hate cats may find it challenging to see this little critter in the same light. It is our programming which… Continue reading Love of Beauty is Love of God

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