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Forgive Everything Now

Several months ago, actually it was in the Christmas Day edition of the Kansas City Star newspaper, I read about a man named Darryl Burton who had spent 24 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. The headline read: “Former Inmate Defines Forgiveness.” I typically find such an article nearly irresistible and… Continue reading Forgive Everything Now

Enjoy the Holidays

This year’s version of the holidays are upon us, with Thanksgiving only two weeks away. This is a very busy time, for me, as many of my household projects must be completed before filling our home with family and guests. As such, it is highly unlikely I will have much time to devote to sharing… Continue reading Enjoy the Holidays

Thinking is Dangerous

It is not what happens to you, but what you think about what happens to you that creates your sorrow. You have heard these words, probably hundreds of times, if you have been on the spiritual path any time at all, but have you ever really integrated these words into your conscious awareness. Do you… Continue reading Thinking is Dangerous

Prayer for an Open Heart and Mind

  Today just nearly got away with me, before I remembered I had not posted to Secrets to Peace. I have been doing energy healing and spiritual counseling since 1997 when I took my first Reiki class. One of the things I think I do, really well, is to listen. I Listen without input on… Continue reading Prayer for an Open Heart and Mind

Set a Positive Intention for Each New Day

Irish poet and philosopher John O’Donohue had a strong influence on me in the early days of my spiritual journey. When I read or listened to him read his words, I felt them move straight into my heart without bouncing around in my head or my ears. That was not a typical experience for me.  Every word I ever read from… Continue reading Set a Positive Intention for Each New Day

Releasing Judgment

Have you ever heard of something dreadful happening to a friend or someone you know to be a kind or generous person and felt or maybe expressed some form of the question, “Why do bad things happen to such good people?”For the purposes of discussion I want you to consider the reverse, “Why do good… Continue reading Releasing Judgment

A Really Simple Secret to Peace

This morning I was preparing some tweets to share on Twitter when I noticed this quote from Paul Ferrini’s book Love Without Conditions: “Let go of the past, and you will have no grievances. It is simple, is it not?” I thought to myself, “That is the simplest Secret to Peace I have ever heard.”… Continue reading A Really Simple Secret to Peace

Peace is the Prize When we Forgive

Friday I mentioned that next to meditation the greatest gift I have discovered in my own spiritual journey is the ability to forgive. Also, I listed a few reasons, which I had heard in my practice, for refusing to forgive. If you have not had a chance to read my thoughts you can do so… Continue reading Peace is the Prize When we Forgive

Resist Nothing. Learn from Everything.

Every honest examination, into the requirements of living a value-filled life, contains elements of self-honesty. We cannot hope to live a life that has meaning if we are not able to be honest with ourselves. The challenge with self-honesty is that we must be able to be quiet in order to question the assumptions and… Continue reading Resist Nothing. Learn from Everything.

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