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Enjoy the Holidays

This year’s version of the holidays are upon us, with Thanksgiving only two weeks away. This is a very busy time, for me, as many of my household projects must be completed before filling our home with family and guests. As such, it is highly unlikely I will have much time to devote to sharing… Continue reading Enjoy the Holidays

Prayer for an Open Heart and Mind

  Today just nearly got away with me, before I remembered I had not posted to Secrets to Peace. I have been doing energy healing and spiritual counseling since 1997 when I took my first Reiki class. One of the things I think I do, really well, is to listen. I Listen without input on… Continue reading Prayer for an Open Heart and Mind

My God is LOVE

A little while back, I read a story about a blogger who had been sued for using a photograph which she had downloaded from Google images. It was the second such story I had read, in the last couple of months on the same topic. As any of you know, if you have read me… Continue reading My God is LOVE

Focus on the Magnificence in your Neighbor

My family and I have lived in our current home for almost sixteen years. We moved in on my birthday in 1999. When we moved here it was for the convenience. I was selling Real Estate,  at the time, and had an exclusive listing on a brand new subdivision which was ready to begin, a block… Continue reading Focus on the Magnificence in your Neighbor

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